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论文名称 刊物名称 第一作者 通讯作者 参与作者 发表时间
In-Line Mach-Zehnder Interferometer and FBG With Smart Hydrogel for Simultaneous pH and Temperature Detection IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2018,18(18):7499-7504 赵强 2018.9
Automated spectra analysis of in situ radioactivity measurements in the marine environment using NaI(Tl) detector Applied Radiation and Isotopes(核科学技术三区),142:181–186. 张颖颖 2018.9
Ratiometric optical sensor for high-resolution imaging of pH with low cross-talk "Applied Optics, 2018, 57(34): 9922-9928. " 姜子可 2018.8.10
Development and deployment of an autonomous sensor for the in-situ radioactivity measurement in the marine environment Applied Radiation and Isotopes(核科学技术三区),142:181–186. 张颖颖 张颖颖 2018.7.31
Calibration Transfer of Soil Total Carbon and Total Nitrogen between Two Different Types of Soils Based on Visible-Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Journal of Spectroscopy: Volume 2018, Article ID 8513215, 10 pages 李雪莹 范萍萍 2018.7.28
一种新的基于拓扑结构特征的微裂隙-孔隙空间描述方法 科学通报,第63卷,第5-6期:579-589 王鑫 2018.6.15
扫描式气溶胶激光雷达研制与观测研究 红外与激光工程 Vol.47 No.12 1230009 陈超 王章军 2018.6.1
基于成像的极化浊度计设计与实验验证 中国激光,2018,45(05):279-285. 孟祥谦 孟祥谦 2018.6.1
误差均衡立体五基元超短基线水声定位 清华大学学报(自然科学版){Pages}: 553-557 王虹入 王中秋 2018.5.15
Impacts of water consumption in the Haihe Plain on the cliamte of the Taihang Mountains, North China Advances in Meteorology, 6280737 邹靖 2018.5.13
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